April 26, 2018

Tutorial: Building a Realtime GraphQL Server with Subscriptions

Nikolas Burk
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GraphQL subscriptions allow clients to receive realtime updates from a GraphQL API upon specific events.

Added to the official GraphQL spec only about a year ago, GraphQL subscriptions are one of the newer and less explored features of GraphQL. In this tutorial, you’ll learn how you can easily add subscriptions to your GraphQL API using Prisma and Prisma bindings.

The finished project of this tutorial can be found on GitHub.


Subscriptions allow clients to receive event-based realtime updates

One convenient property of GraphQL subscriptions is that they’re using the exact same syntax as queries and mutations. From a client perspective, this means there’s nothing new to learn to benefit from this feature.

The major difference between subscriptions and queries/mutations lies in the execution. While queries and mutations follow typical request-response cycles (just like regular HTTP requests), subscriptions don’t return the requested data right away. Instead, when a GraphQL server receives a subscription request, it creates a long-lived connection to the client which sent the request.

With that request, the client expressed interest in data that’s related to a specific event, for example a specific user liking a picture. The corresponding subscription might look like this:

subscription($userId: ID!) {
  likeCreated(userId: $userId) {
    user {
    picture {

When the user in question now likes a picture, the server pushes the requested data to the subscribed client via their connection:

  "data": {
    "likeCreated": {
      "user": {
        "name": "Alice"
      "picture": {
        "url": "https://media.giphy.com/media/5r5J4JD9miis/giphy.gif"

Implementing subscriptions with WebSockets

Subscriptions are commonly implemented with WebSockets. Apart from the realtime logic (which is typically handled via pub/sub-systems), you need to implement the official communication protocol for GraphQL subscriptions. Only if your server follows the flow defined in the protocol, clients will be able to properly initiate requests and receive event data.

Dealing with realtime logic and pub/sub-systems, properly accessing databases and taking care of implementing the subscription protocol can become fairly complex. Authentication and authorization logic further complicate the implementation of GraphQL subscriptions on the server. In these cases, it’s helpful to use proper abstractions that make your life easier.

One such abstraction is provided by Prisma in combination with Prisma bindings. Think of that combo as a “GraphQL ORM” layer where realtime subscriptions are supported out-of-the-box, making it easy for you to add subscriptions to your API.

1. Project setup

1.1. Download and explore the starter project

The first step in this tutorial is to get access to the starter project. If you don’t want to actually follow the tutorial but are only interested in what the subscription code looks like, feel free to skip ahead.

You can download the starter project from this repository using the following terminal command. Also, directly install the npm dependencies of the project:

curl https://codeload.github.com/nikolasburk/subscriptions/tar.gz/starter | tar -xz subscriptions-starter
cd subscriptions-starter
yarn install # or npm install

The project contains a very simple GraphQL API with the following schema:

# import Post from "./generated/prisma.graphql"

type Query {
  feed: [Post!]!

type Mutation {
  writePost(title: String!): Post
  updateTitle(id: ID!, newTitle: String!): Post
  deletePost(id: ID!): Post

The Post type is defined via the Prisma data model and looks as follows:

type Post {
  id: ID! @unique
  title: String!

The goal for this project will be to add two subscriptions to the API:

  • A subscription that fires when a new Post is created or the title of an existing Post is updated.
  • A subscription that fires when an existing Post is deleted.

1.2. Deploy the Prisma database API

Before starting the server, you need to ensure the Prisma database API is available and can be accessed by your GraphQL server (via Prisma bindings).

To deploy the Prisma API, run the yarn prisma deploy command inside the subscriptions-starter directory.

The CLI will then prompt you with a few questions regarding how you want to deploy the API. For the purpose of this tutorial, choose any of the Prisma Sandbox options ( sandbox-eu1 or sandbox-us1), then simply hit Enter to select the suggested values for the service name and stage. (Note that if you have Docker installed, you can also deploy locally).

Once the API is deployed, the CLI prints the HTTP endpoint for the Prisma database API. Copy that endpoint and paste it into index.js where your GraphQLServer is instantiated. Note that you need to replace the current placeholder __PRISMA_ENDPOINT__. After you did this, the code will look similar to this:

const server = new GraphQLServer({
  typeDefs: './src/schema.graphql',
  context: req => ({
    db: new Prisma({
      typeDefs: 'src/generated/prisma.graphql',
      endpoint: 'https://eu1.prisma.sh/public-scytheeater-265/subscriptions-example/dev',
      secret: 'mysecret123',
      debug: true,

1.3. Open a GraphQL Playground

You can now start the server and open up a GraphQL Playground by running the yarn dev command:

Feel free to explore the project and send a few queries and mutations.

Note: The Playground shows you the two GraphQL APIs which are defined in .graphqlconfig.yml. The app project represents the application layer and is defined by the GraphQL schema in /src/schema.graphql. The database project represents your database layer and is defined by the auto-generated Prisma GraphQL schema in /src/generated/prisma.graphql.

Learn more: To learn more about this architecture, be sure to check out the corresponding documentation. For an in-depth learning experience, follow the Node tutorial on How to GraphQL

2. Understanding Prisma’s subscription API

2.1. Overview

Before starting to implement the subscriptions, let’s take a brief moment to understand the subscription API provided by Prisma since that’s the API you’ll be piggybacking with Prisma bindings.

In general, Prisma lets you subscribe to three different kinds of events (per type in your data model). Taking the Post type from this tutorial project as an example, these events are:

  • a new Post is created
  • an existing Post is updated
  • an existing Post is deleted

The corresponding definition of the Subscription type looks as follows (this definition can be found in /src/generated/prisma.graphql):

type Subscription {
  post(where: PostSubscriptionWhereInput): PostSubscriptionPayload

If not further constrained through the where argument, the post subscription will fire for all of the events mentioned above.

2.2. Filtering for specific events

The where argument allows clients to specify exactly what events they’re interested in. Maybe a client always only wants to receive updates when a Post gets deleted or when a Post where the title contains a specific keyword is created. These kinds of constraints can be expressed using the where argument. The type of where is defined as follows:

input PostSubscriptionWhereInput {
  # Filter for a specific mutation:
  mutation_in: [MutationType!]

  # Filter for a specific field being updated
  updatedFields_contains: String
  updatedFields_contains_every: [String!]
  updatedFields_contains_some: [String!]

  # Filter for concrete values of the Post being mutated
  node: PostWhereInput

  # Combine several filter conditions
  AND: [PostSubscriptionWhereInput!]
  OR: [PostSubscriptionWhereInput!]

The two examples mentioned above could be expressed with the following subscriptions in the Prisma API:

# Only fire for _deleted_ posts
subscription {
  post(where: {
    mutation_in: [DELETED]
  }) {
    # ... we'll talk about the selection set in a bit

# Only fire when a post whose title contains "GraphQL" is _created_
subscription {
  post(where: {
    mutation_in: [CREATED]
    node: {
      title_contains: "GraphQL"
  }) {
    # ... we'll talk about the selection set in a bit

2.3. Exploring the selection set of a subscription

You now have a good understanding how you can subscribe to the events that interest you. But how can you now ask for the data related to an event?

The PostSubscriptionPayload type defines the fields which you can request in a post subscription. Here is how that type is defined:

type PostSubscriptionPayload {
  mutation: MutationType!
  node: Post
  updatedFields: [String!]
  previousValues: PostPreviousValues

Let’s discuss each of these fields in a bit more detail.

2.3.1 mutation: MutationType!

MutationType is an enum with three values:

enum MutationType {

The mutation field on the PostSubscriptionPayload type therefore carries the information what kind of mutation happened.

2.3.2 node: Post

This field represents the Post element which was created, updated or deleted and allows to retrieve further information about it.

Notice that for DELETED-mutations, node will always be null. If you need to know more details about the Post that was deleted, you can use the previousValues field instead (more about that soon).

Note: The terminology of a node is sometimes used in GraphQL to refer to single elements. A node essentially corresponds to a record in the database.

2.3.3 updatedFields: [String!]

One piece of information you might be interested in for UPDATED-mutations is which fields have been updated with a mutation. That’s what the updatedFields field is used for.

Assume a client has subscribed to the Prisma API with the following subscription:

subscription {
  post {

Now, assume the server receives the following mutation to update the title of a given Post:

mutation {
  updatePost(where: { id: "..." }, data: { title: "Prisma is the best way to build GraphQL servers" }) {

The subscribed client will then receive the following payload:

  "data": {
    "post": {
      "updatedFields": ["title"]

This is because the mutation only updated the Post’s title field - nothing else.

2.3.4 previousValues: PostPreviousValues

The PostPreviousValues type looks very similar to Post itself:

type PostPreviousValues {
  id: ID!
  title: String!

It basically is a helper type that simply mirrors the fields from Post.

previousValues is only used for UPDATED- and DELETED-mutations. For CREATED-mutations, it will always be null (for the same reason that node is null for DELETED-mutations).

2.3.5 Putting everything together

Consider again the sample updatePost-mutation from the section **2.3.3*. But let’s now assume, the subscription query includes all* the fields we just discussed:

subscription {
  post {
    node {
    previousValues {

Here’s what the payload will look like that the server pushes to the client after it performed the mutation from before:

  "data": {
    "post": {
      "mutation": "UPDATED",
      "updatedFields": ["title"],
      "node": {
        "title": "Prisma is the best way to build GraphQL servers"
      "previousValues": {
        "title": "GraphQL servers are best built with conventional ORMs"

Note that this assumes the updated Post had the following title before the mutation was performed: “GraphQL servers are best built with conventional ORMs”.

3. Add the publication subscription

Equipped with the knowledge about the Prisma’s subscription API, you’re now ready to consume precisely that API to implement your own subscriptions on the application layer. Let’s start with the subscription that should fire when a new Post is created or the title of an existing Post is updated.

3.1. Extend the application schema

The first step is to extend the GraphQL schema of your application layer and add the corresponding subscription definition.

Open schema.graphql and add the following Subscription type to it:

type Subscription {
  publications: PostSubscriptionPayload

The referenced PostSubscriptionPayload is directly taken from the Prisma GraphQL schema. It thus also needs to be imported at the top of the file:

# import Post, PostSubscriptionPayload from "./generated/prisma.graphql"

Note: The comment-based import syntax is used by the [graphql-import](https://github.com/prismagraphql/graphql-import) package. As of today, GraphQL SDL does not have an official way to import types across files. This might change soon.

3.2. Implement the subscription resolver

Similar to queries and mutations, the next step when adding a new API feature is to implement the corresponding resolver. Resolvers for subscriptions however look a bit different.

Instead of providing only a single resolver function to resolve a subscription operation from your schema definition, you provide an object with at least one field called subscribe. This subscribe field is a function that returns an AsyncIterator. That AsyncIterator is used to return the values for each individual event. Additionally, you might provide another field called resolve that we'll discuss in the next section — for now let’s focus on subscribe.

Update the resolvers object in index.js to now also include Subscription:

const resolvers = {
  Query: {
    // ... like before
  Mutation: {
    // ... like before
  Subscription: {
    publications: {
      subscribe: (parent, args, ctx, info) => {
        return ctx.db.subscription.post(
            where: {
              mutation_in: ['CREATED', 'UPDATED'],

Prisma bindings are doing the work for you here since db.subscription.post(...) returns the AsyncIterator that emits a new value upon every event on the Post type.

Note that you’re specifically filtering for CREATED- and UPDATED-mutations to ensure the publications subscription only fires for those events.

3.3. Test the subscription

For testing the subscription, you need to start the server and open up a Playground which you can do by running yarn dev in your terminal.

In the Playground that opened, run the following subscription:

subscription {
  publications {
    node {

Note: The GraphQL Playground sometimes shows this bug where the subscription directly returns a payload of null. If this happens to you, try this workaround.

Once the subscription is running, you'll see a loading indicator in the response pane and the Play-button turns into a red Stop-button for you to stop the subscription.

You can now open another tab and send a mutation to trigger the subscription:

mutation {
  writePost(title: "GraphQL subscriptions are awesome") {

Navigating back to the initial tab, you’ll see that the subscription data now appeared in the response pane 🙌

Feel free to play around with the updateTitle mutation as well.

4. Add the postDeleted subscription

In this section, you’ll implement a subscription that fires whenever a Post gets deleted. The process will be largely similar to the publications resolver, except that you’re now going to return just the deleted Post instead of an object of type PostSubscriptionPayload.

4.1. Extend the application schema

The first step, as usual when adding new features to a GraphQL API, is to express the new operation as a root field in the GraphQL schema.

Open /src/schema.graphql and adjust the `Subscription type to look as follows:

type Subscription {
  publications: PostSubscriptionPayload
  postDeleted: Post

Instead of returning the PostSubscriptionPayload for postDeleted, you simply return the Post object that was deleted.

4.2. Implement the subscription resolver

In section 3.2., we briefly mentioned that the object that you use to implement subscription resolvers can hold a second function called resolve (next to subscribe which is required). In this section, you’re going to use it.

Here is what the implementations of both subscribe and resolve look like to resolve the postDeleted subscription:

const resolvers = {
  Query: {
    // ... like before
  Mutation: {
    // ... like before
  Subscription: {
    publications: {
      // ... like before
    postDeleted: {
      subscribe: (parent, args, ctx, info) => {
        const selectionSet = `{ previousValues { id title } }`
        return ctx.db.subscription.post(
            where: {
              mutation_in: ['DELETED'],
      resolve: (payload, args, context, info) => {
        return payload ? payload.post.previousValues : payload

The most important thing to realize about combining the subscribe and resolve functions is that the values emitted by the AsyncIterator (which is returned by subscribe) correspond to the payload argument that’s passed into resolve! This means you can use resolve to transform and/or filter the event data emitted by the AsyncIterator according to your needs.

Note that in this scenario, you’re also passing a hardcoded selection set to the post binding function instead of passing the info object along as you’re doing most of the time. The invocation of the binding function thus corresponds to the following subscription request against the Prisma API:

subscription {
  post {
    previousValues {

The info object carries the AST (and therefore the selection set) of the incoming GraphQL operations (queries, mutations and subscriptions alike). In this case however, the incoming selection set can’t be applied to the post subscription from the Prisma API. The reasons for that are the following:

  • The return type of the incoming subscription is simply Post as you defined in schema.graphql.

  • The return type of the post subscription from the Prisma GraphQL API is PostSubscriptionPayload.

This means the incoming info object does not match the shape that would be required for the post subscription. Hence, you’re specifying the selection set for the post subscription manually as a string.

This is a bit tricky to understand at first. If you have trouble following right now, be sure to check out this technical deep-dive about the info object and its role within GraphQL resolvers.

In fact, this situation is not ideal either since for types with many fields, this approach can quickly get out of hand. Also, it might be that the incoming subscription doesn’t request all the fields of a type, so you’re overfetching at this point. The best solution would be to manually retrieve the requested fields from the info object and pass those along to the post subscription as described here.

In any case, by hardcoding the selection you’re guaranteed that the payload argument for resolve has the following structure:

  "post": {
    "previousValues": {
      "id": "...",
      "title": "..."

That’s why inside resolve you can simply return payload.post.previousValues and what you get is an object that adheres to the structure of the Post type 💡 (Note that checking for payload with the ternary operator is just a sanity check to ensure it’s not undefined, since this might break the subscription.)

4.3. Test the subscription

Before testing the new subscription, you need to restart the server to ensure your changes get applied to the API. You can kill the server by pressing CTRL+C and then restart it using the yarn dev command.

Once the subscription is running, you can send the following mutation (you need to replace the __POST_ID__ placeholder with the id of an actual Post from your database):

mutation {
  deletePost(id: "__POST_ID__") {

Navigating back to the subscription tab, you’ll see that the id and title have been pushed in the response pane, as requested by the active subscription.


In this tutorial, you learned how to add realtime subscriptions to a GraphQL API using Prisma and Prisma bindings.

Similar to implementing queries and mutations with Prisma, you are piggybacking on Prisma’s GraphQL API, leaving the heavy-lifting of database access and pub/sub logic to the powerful Prisma query engine.

If you want to play around with the project yourself, you can check out the final result of the tutorial on GitHub.